Sunday, February 27, 2011

Today is Sunday

For those of you who are wondering, except for our power being out all afternoon, I enjoyed my Saturday on Friday.  My Saturday on Saturday was even better, though.  Lisa and Bill and the girls came over for corned beef and cabbage dinner, which to our collective surprise was delicious.  I usually only make corned beef once a year because throwing an entire meal in a pot of boiling water is not my favorite cooking method.  This time, though, I decided to try something a little different.  I cooked the meat in my slow cooker all by itself.  Instead of boiled cabbage and potatoes, I made Polish fried cabbage and noodles.  I steamed the carrots separately so that they would still taste like carrots, and since I was on a roll, I made some Irish soda bread, too.  What a fantastic meal!  I will never, ever make a boiled dinner ever again, and I just might make corned beef more than once a year now.

The dinner I made yesterday is pretty exciting stuff to be sure, but here's the real subject of today's post.  Are you ready for this?  That photo you're admiring is a picture of an actual pair of socks knitted by my own two hands to fit my own two big feet.  No kidding!  I finally overcame what I thought was an incurable case of Second Sock Syndrome!  This is truly cause for celebration.  Maybe I'll declare another Saturday.

Thanks for stopping by, and whatever day it is where you are, have a great one!


  1. cool..i love them and I knit too so i know the work in em..nice and cozy warm on the tootsies..

  2. wow, you are multi-talented!!! Yeah for you!

  3. Wow, I love your socks - good work! It's been many years since I have knitted socks, now you made me want to do it again. Nothing cozier for your feet to wear on a cold night than wool socks knitted by your own hands!
    I also like your new habit of declaring Saturdays. :D

  4. I have a serious case of sock ENVY!!
    They look incredibly comfortable and the colors are awesome.
    Mucho talent!

  5. Love your socks Donna, maybe that is what I need to inspire me to finish mine, I got stuck on the heel. Have never knitted socks before.
    Your colours are fabulous!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Donna Love your socks the colour is great & maybe this will inspire me to finish mine. I am stuck on the heels, never knit socks before.
    Thanks for sharing!


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